- Can you help me with my autograph pre-purchase?
- How do I get a Guest's autograph?
- How much does an autograph cost?
- When will autograph prices be available?
- Can I pre-purchase an autograph ticket?
- When are the autograph sessions?
- What should I have signed?
- Can I have my own item signed?
- Can a Guest give me an autograph when I’m in a Photo Op session?
- How does the Express Pass work for VIP Badge holders?
- I’m unable to attend MEGACON Orlando; can I send in my item to be signed?
- How are Guests' autograph prices chosen?
- How do autographs work on-site, is it timed, or do I show up whenever I want?
- Why isn’t my favorite celebrity’s autograph listed for sale on Epic’s website?
- I've purchased an autograph, but I don't have a ticket to the convention, can I still redeem my autograph?
- How can I purchase an autograph at the event?
- If I have a Multi-Day Badge, do I choose the day for my autograph or is it assigned to me?
- Is a selfie included in the price of my autograph?
- I have more Autograph questions, where can I get more information?